Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Farm Photos

A few photos of this morning's work:

Groovin' Wind with Art at right.
Art's morning measurement:
"Before"--notice the contracted heels. Shoed this horse too soon as a youngster.
Ready for the shoe. This horse carries more foot on lateral side than medial. And, you'll see the distance from the apex of the frog to the toe slightly shorter than ideal. This is intentional. If we balance the hoof perfectly at shoeing, the hoof will be out of balance a week later. In order to have a balanced hoof during the majority of the shoeing cycle we trim slightly shorter than perfect balance at the time of shoeing.
Size Seven Thoro'bred Level Grip. This front right hoof belongs to the 16' 2.5" six year old, Acesmash.
Rolling Rodney contemplating today's schedule:
Training: RR suffering from horse fatigue last night. All horses off. Plan to conclude my warm up posts next week. Eureka trip in the works, maybe tomorrow.


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