Saturday, December 08, 2007

The "Not So Nice" Forecast

They keep changing this (darn) forecast. I'm just glad I moved to Northern Canada. Jeez! Next 40 degree day is December 20 and freezing rain next five days in a row. This is what I meant by the word "Bust" on the blog title.

Most of my training career I'd train through anything. When I think back at some of the stuff I did in weather...let's say that we never missed training days. Just never happened. Rain, shine, blizzard, 15 degrees below for two weeks in the late '80s, we were out there.

That was then. As Goethe wrote (of Faust) "...through might and main I stormed through my life, at first powerful and great, but now at pace more prudent and sedate." RR is in the prudent and sedate stage, I'm afraid to say. I have my limits now with the weather.

How did I get to this miserable state of being with the horses where I actually skip days due to bad weather? Part of it is just 20 years of wear. But also, at some point in the training, it sank in that training into a 30 mph 20 degree day wind was failing to move us ahead in an appreciable way. A mighty effort with very little return, it seemed.

So, these days, I tend to give in. Did it yesterday. We'll see whether 1. the weather next week proves as bad as forecast, and 2. how I react to it. Would like to write something good about this next week.


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