Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Casse and Contessa

Mark Casse: Casse's website has Race Results, but lacks "workouts", and so instead of in depth look, the analysis was confined to how many Casse horses that raced in January and February 2008 are still going. There were 25 racers in those months. Of these, 5 appear to be still going. That's 5/25 or 20%. We are being generous to say a couple of these are still going as they've yet to be heard from in 1.5 months.

And, consider that several of the 25 appeared non-competitive and may simply have been retired or given a break. Estimate Casse has a true survival rate around 40%, maybe 50%, after we give him the usual due. Other than terrible, other than great, very average.

"You look at this jerk down there, Contessa. How does he set records? How does he do it?"--Richard (No Middle Name) Dutrow Jr. at press conference 6/7/08.

Indeed, though Contessa's win percentage of 13.6% pales in comparison to Doug O'Neill's lately burgeoning 15%.

Contessa's website also fails to show works, but shows results. As it turns out, after 15 minutes of searching through Contessa's results I decided he fails to keep his website up. The website is without correlation to horses listed compared to horses racing.

Grain of salt on Dutrow's opinion, red flag, or where does the opinion come from? Contessa, though, obviously fairly intelligent. I found an (extremely) interesting inside information Contessa video here:


In the other videos, interesting commentary from the jock.

12/15 to 17 will be off due to the weather. Temps hovering 5-15 degrees in KC with 3 inches of snow on the ground. Hope to be back Thurs. with a little work. Weather turn around coming, so we'll just try to maintain for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catherine Day-Philips stable management and particular the handling of BC runner Van Lear Rose looks interesting...

12/17/08, 11:31 AM  

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