Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Frequency Formula

Intro by noting what evidence exists to determine a formula for fracture resistance (FR). Evidence may be direct such as what actually occurs within the bone structure or it may be circumstantial evidence such as data and statistics on equine injury. The stats in one sense may be very influential since understanding of exercise and bone structure is complicated and largely uninvestigated at this point.
The blog has taken probably too close a look at internal mechanics of bone, and too little note of statistics. The aim was to attempt at the outset an understanding of what may be happening within bone.
In this regard--see last post--a list of probable processes is compiled with an effort to understand each process. What may be concluded from the list follows.
I'll avoid relating again possible error and weaknesses in terms of compiling the list since this has been done ad nauseum. Suffice to say the list was logically compiled based on available info. Though many aspects of bone response to exercise are poorly understood, I am guessing the list itself is fairly near the mark in most aspects. There is some confidence in this observation because conclusions that follow also fairly well comport with trainer injury stats that I'd previously compiled.
So, what may we conclude? First, again, the list:
bone glue protein-- increases in volume and buttressing effect.
density increases due to contraction of atomic structures in the mineral lattice.
fibrils(and osteons) move or align into ideal directions.
fibrils adherence increases density and calcification
On going calcification (as a constant)
Anything else that may be happening
Added to the list: the concepts of bounce back and rearrangement. All the above will post race tend to bounce back to pre-race configuration unless the bounce back effect is stopped by subsequent speed work that will reinforce nano structure rearrangement caused by the speed work.
Each individual aspect of the list has been looked at to determine at what point rearrangement needs to be reinforced with new speed work. The question is: at what point do the race effects peter out, unless we do new speed work. Will itemize and conclude, next post.


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