Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The House of Orange

Recalling the chap at left and take a guess from his dress at the time in history. Interesting transformation in style from late middle ages to early modern in England. A little character shows, possibly?

I ran across this fellow because of his ignominious demise in February 1702. While out hunting he was thrown from his horse, broke his collar bone and a resulting infection killed him a few days later. William of Orange, King of England. Under this King and his popular Queen, Mary England experienced the "Glorious Revolution" converting its government from divine right Kingship to constitutional monarchy. First democracy since ancient Greece and one of the prime architects falls off his horse and dies, serving up a bit of gallows humor for every day when we mount up our good steeds.
At any rate--let us make sure we keep them healthy. April 2010 review: nothing of note in April on frequency, although this one was interesting since indeed we've hardly seen this horse again:
Mon. 10/18: 3 x 4f riderless at speed. The last one was 5f. After tacking on a shoe, too dark to do much under tack--trotted here and there to see how the horse would react. He's been much much calmer last two weeks.


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