Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sat. Misc.

What's with the prior post video? The girl does strictly anaerobic sets without rest period getting both an aerobic and anaerobic effect to her workout. You see this more and more done as optimal w/os. It caught my eye after noting Bill Pressey's blog recently dealing with over speed training and then the importance of aerobic work from long galloping--something I might disagree with somewhat, but get to that later. How to accomplish similar training effect with horses as this attractive young lady's w/o?

What's interesting about it is the intensity of the w/o over a short perod. With horses we're limited to extremely short exercise periods compared to humans. Thus the concept of optimizing "intensity" with in race horse w/os would seem significant! Long gallops with accelerations to over speed. I've been doing this riderless and find it extremely effective both in aerobic/anaerobic work and speed up-speed downs for neuro-muscular coordination.

Back at the ranch--we thank B.J. for her kind words, and best of luck with your horse! Two major improvements in the injury--one the first night, and then last night. Almost full range of motion back today, and plan to recommence tack work tonight.

Tues. 7/12: 2 x 4f all out riderless racing + several other slightly lesser speed heats. Tough w/o.
Wed. 7/13: Off. Rain.
Thurs.: 7/14 Riderless acceleration w/o + 4f as fast as they could go in the mud. Medium intensity type speed w/o.
Fri: 7/15: Off.


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