Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sun. Misc.

Back, and will beg my own pardon as my attention Thurs. shifted from horses by an amazing and unbelievable website of such quality I feel, having read it, compelled to comment. We've been training and will post on that next week. The blog has deviated on occasion from our good subject, and again, while this is on my mind, I want to post on this today.

Three years ago for kicks I'd decided to study history. Hey, this is all on the web now days. I'd started with the history of the planet with an superb website on paleontology, and on and on till now I've finally reached year 2011. Some really good stuff along the way.

Two things in all this incomprehensible period of time really stand out for me. One, for utter putrification because it was carried out literally over centuries under the auspices of religion, is the Inquisition. The other, also having a religious component, and one memorable quote that I'll post next week from this website, is the holocaust for sheer scope of human depravity. They squeezed centuries of horror into a couple of 2-3 years. The whole sordid story here, down to the last sordid detail:


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