Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lesson IIa

Neglected to mention last post,  particularly if horses are to breeze out of gate in :11s every three days with the idea that heavier work will improve performance:

I am three weeks into working with heavier weights in the gym with a protocol of working up to the heaviest weight I can get up there even for just one or two reps.  The result has been, after an accidental look at the physique in the mirror yesterday, another total body transformation from wiry and muscled to a significantly more powerful appearance.  The other side effect has been that I have been consistently sore all over--muscles, tendons, ligaments.

This soreness has occurred despite being extremely careful to try to avoid it by carefully and slowly increasing the load, number of reps, etc.

This is worrisome in terms of considering working our horses to a heavier load--lest we ever forget we're working with "egg membranes" instead of just "egg shells".  To review--any horse might survive ur workout "today". Tomorrow, unless that w/o is totally consistent with injury prevention--another story.

We'll reconsider this :11s stuff.  For our stable it's way premature, at any rate.

Thurs. 15 degrees and wind.  Horses fed lightly last days due to fears re frozen water. shows in their work. Attempted a riderless run. anything but into it.  one short 50 yd burst + lazy running. Passed on riding due to conditions.
Fri.  Warmer. Nob the rider awol. "Sick". Decided on lunging to get some control and force some speed.  Same deal as day before.  Only able to get lazy slow galloping.  #148--concernedly noticed him collapse a little on his injured hock.  Stopped immediately.  Good news, #148 is in the trailer and off to surgery Mon.
Sat.  What difference a day makes.  Horses totally into running today. We get our best riderless burst to date.  7f in what looked like about :13s.  #7 looked great.  #148--the long fluid stride is completely missing.  Concerning.  #7 was walk-trotted under tack for 10 min.


Anonymous Bill said...

Hey RR-

I've read lots on this subject, and experimented on myself, over the years.

Here is the latest book I have read, I think I can let you borrow the ebook version if you have a reader:

What this book will convince you of is that shorter, very high intensity exercise is MUCH more effective, and safe, in improving lean muscular gain and/or fat loss.

Simply put, exercising your horse at 3F for as fast as he can go should unleash a torrent of reactions within his body that result in improved performance - provided you allow him enough time to recover/recuperate.

In this book, humans exercise at very high intensity for only a few minutes, once per week - and achieve great results.

Years ago, this fellow champion bodybuilder taught the same lessons: Mike Mentzer and his theory was called High Intensity Training.

1/28/13, 8:01 AM  

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