Friday, July 19, 2013

Hayfield Opens

July 18 and they cut the hay.  My immediate reaction was--whatever it takes financially to use that field.  Talk  to Mr. Farmer this weekend to see if a deal can be struck.  Two other things of note--Mr. Nob lasted 15 min on treadmill at 3 mph on Thurs. and thereafter was  hardly worth a damn when he  got to the farm.  Reports the  left leg is inexplicably---injury has healed-- very weak. Physiological problem with Nob is that inner leg muscles and fascia need be strong enough to buttress weight of body against force of horse.  Seems elementary and  simple.  When one reaches age 66, a little  more complex it seems.

Secondly--#148 front hock continues swollen.  Sweating or iodine is without effect due to nature of it which is fluid instead of diffuse swelling.  Interestingly the top part of the injured area(front inside of hock) has flattened  out a little while the bottom portion is swollen  into turgid ball size of 2/3 a small orange.  Was thinking this increased fluid might be a good thing in terms of providing enough pressure to shut off the source of the leak.  At any rate, it's mid July and #148 still has a hock  problem.  We're avoiding fooling ourselves while suffering the pains of looking at this nice two year old daily.


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