Friday, November 15, 2013

Intro To The Subject

Dicey decribes the going with #17 to date in open pasture. Looking around for trouble instead of into his work. Bit of a break through last night as the horse seemed to be enjoying the extended trot. #148 training recommenced last eve.

Pictured--Mary of Burgundy with whom Blogger has a sudden affinity.  Mary was born February 13, 1457 and died 3/27/1482.  Part I is Mary died on the day I was born, March 27.

Mary was Duchess and ruler of Burgundy in France 1477 to the date of her death at age 25.  She was  married to the historically important Maximilian I, Archduke of Austria and Holy Roman Emperor when that title meant something.

Part II  comes from the "Death and Legacy" section of her Wikepedia page:

"Five years later, the 25-year-old Duchess died due to a fall from her horse on 27 March 1482 near Wijnendale Castle.  She loved riding, and was falconing with Maximilian when her horse tripped, threw her, and then landed on top of her, breaking her back.  She died several days later, having made a detailed will. She is buried in the Church of Our Lady in Bruges."

Killed while riding on the same day as my birthday with world at her feet and only 25 years old. A personal historical lesson perhaps to be careful when I get on my horses. Consider in next posts how to be done. Mary's Wikepedia page:


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