Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sat. Training

The weather for a change was kind to Mr. Nob's legs even if the horse this day was the stinker.  Friday was an off day.  Saturday the horses did their tack work, both making enough progress to please, and then put in a nice riderless work near dark.

And, yes, #17 put on a little weight. I tend to overfeed on the riderless speed work days.  This day the notch on the girth had to be let out one full notch.  And, yes, the saddle has seen better days. I am just amazed it's lasted this long. bought used at Remington Park, OK City, the year was 1992.  The other saddle is too heavy for this horse with our less than svelte rider.

Keep thinking serious galloping close at hand.  Unable to report this yet.


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