Tuesday, December 05, 2006


The above is the cover of Tom Ivers long awaited "Fit Racehorse II". If this blog disappears it may be because RR has been hauled off for copyright infringement. You can copy anything off the net now days.

I relate the late Tom Ivers to rest by the little anicdote of watching one of the Ivers' Tapes and there is Tom Ivers taking a drag on his cigarette, looking into the camera opining as to what to do next with the race horse just completing a workout above expectations. What to do? "Nothing" was the reply. Nothing at all.

Thusly, after our "spectacular" first 3f breeze for Y last Saturday under 20 lbs of tack a rest was in order. But, for how long. We are doing Preston Burch training instead of Ivers training. Burch does a fast work every three days and notes in his book that on the other two days you can rest, walk, gallop, whatever the trainer deems appopriate. In the case of our Y, his trainer deems two days rest appropriate here, and we'll get on next fast work soon.

Of interest, Ivers always promoted a rest day every four days. Burch never mentions rest or resting in his book. His exercise prescriptions show his horses working right on through for months at a time. All this stuff you hear now days about horses needing rest, and the ridiculous statement by D. Wayne Lukas that I read just this day about being careful to avoid working horses too hard or they get stale. I've never had a stale horse in 20 years in this business. Just never happens with appropriate training.

Tues 12/5/06 Lousy conditions. Melting ice and deep mud. Pasture galloped riderless for about 10 minutes would describe it. Nothing fast. Best we could do today, and ok after two off days.


Blogger Patrick J Patten said...

just found your blog from the post you left on Byron's site. Any interest in joining the TBA? We don't have a trainers perspective that's for sure, but would like one. handrideclothing@yahoo.com drop me a line and I'll tell you more about it.

12/8/06, 3:12 PM  

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