Wednesday, July 04, 2007

July 4, 2007

Happy July 4! Just saw the words "drenching" and "rain" for training hours tonight. Good grief!

Next few days I'm doing posts from James Rooney DVM on bone fracture causation, and also on the new science of bone fracture mechanics, and some startling recent discoveries including the smoking gun relating warm up to fracture prevention.

But, it's a national holiday. Let the blog take a break from horses. I'm right in the middle of the book "My Life by William Jefferson Clinton" an autobiography Clinton should have written before he was elected. Most interesting book as the period is my life also.

Little know facts about the Clintons:
1. They are both very religious.
2. He is left handed.

Anybody else concerned on the 4th where this country is headed? We have the absurdity of the Clinton couple, one a lawyer who failed her first bar exam, the other now disbarred, campaigning again. A president Bush unable to conceptualize; the Nancy Pelosi-Harry Reids of the world running the U.S. Congress, and a bunch of Republican candidates who qualify as empty suits or geriatric ward candidates. Oh, and there's Al Gore obsessing over temperatures instead of O2 content and the percentage of non-American, non whites shopping at my local market bordering on 15%. Compared to California and Texas, we're lucky, I guess. I've been more encouraged on July 4th about our country. But, now it's back to "My Life" and of course, the horses. We might be training tonight in driving rain.


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