Saturday, June 28, 2008

More Questions

I'm paddling as I go on this. Reread Nunnamaker's Maryland Shin Study for the umpteenth time last night which deals with bucked shins and stands for the proposition that these(and attending subsequent fractures) might be avoided by changing the exercise protocol of youngsters from long slow gallops to short speed bursts at least once a week with twice being preferable. Let's say Nunnamaker et. al. stumbled onto these fairly obvious conclusions by a methodology that approaches the absurd. The process was barbaric in that they euthanized the youngsters, and the study itself couched in "mechanical bone properties" as they were talked about in the 1960s. Quite typical of what you'd expect from a veterinarian as opposed to experienced researcher.

I'm reasonably sure we're light years down the road in understanding bone at the cellular level compared to the days of the Shin Study in 1990-95. As I've noted before, they sell these human fracture resistance articles on the Internet. There's very little that's free, and if you buy one of them you never know what you get till you pay since most of them concern osteoporosis.

So, we tread onward with limited information. Continuing from last post, some more questions.

6. When we're talking about multiple breeze/race works how much remodelling do we get per work, is the process cumulative, is there a point of diminishing returns in terms of multiple works, and do we reach a point eventually we're unable to get further remodelling.

This broad question notes that for fracture resistance we're both dealing with frequency in terms of spacing AND a question of "how many" total breezes we need to race safely in race #1.

7. How do speed and distances of racing factor into the equation? If we do multiples over time at :12.5/f speed for 4f do we e.g. have fracture resistance for racing a mile in :12s?

8. Assuming we establish necessary breezing frequency and total number, is fracture resistance affected by what we do on the off days.

9. What about track surface, rider weight, rider skill, and other misc. factors.

Fri: 6/27 Another deluge of rain. Luckily this was a planned off day.


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