Sunday, June 29, 2008

Q1: How Much Remodeling From A Single Breeze?

Question 1 is the $64,000 question.

"How much (what degree and effect) remodelling do we get from any single breeze?

Since bone quality and strength differ breeze to breeze--compare bone quality in breeze #1 compared to #10--this is a bit of a moving target.
We'll start of with breeze #1 and go on from there.

The diagram illustrates bone development generally as the osteoblast and osteoclasts do their opposite numbers both on bone surface and in interior bone.

So in breeze #1, and we assume progressive, injury free work to this point, what do we expect to happen during and after the breeze?

Given the state of equine science you'd have to answer this as "unknown" at this point, but that we're able to do some presumably accurate guess work. (continue tomorrow)

Sat. 6/28: easy 10 minutes riderless, both horses. Rod walked under tack in his 16th session for 10 min without incident. Art on the other hand was bucking and pogoing through his 1.25 miles gallop. We're in the testing stage with Mr. Nob the rider swaying in the breeze at times like one of those log rolling contests. He stayed on though. I'll ask him soon how he does it.
Sun. 6/29 both horses riderless 3 x 2f at 90% speed.


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