Saturday, December 05, 2009

Some Help

At left, Max Planck (1858-1947) , credited with discovering quantum theory. A physicist.

With links from Southwest Research Institute and Max Planck Institut, posted again below, possibly enough info now from human bone research to stretch out some conclusions for our equines.

First, these links provide some terminology. From SW Research:

Bone Quality
Bone Strength
Bone Mineral Density
Bone Fracture Toughness
Bone Micro Damage

Somewhere way back I wanted to build a model. Something like FR = X. Do we have it now?

FR= Bone Quality + Bone Strength + Bone Mineral Density + Bone Fracture Toughness - Micro Damage.

Note relevant distinctions between quality, strength, toughness etc., the terms being used in a scientific sense to describe differing bone characteristics at the micro level, whereas on the blog I've used "fracture resistance" (FR), something contrasted again since this refers to bone withstanding force of a horse race!

But, do these terms mean-- "bone quality" etc.? And, is the above formula correct. E.g. If we have mineral density as opposed to Type 1 Bone Collagen predominance might we merely have a more brittle bone instead of a stronger bone? On these we have the help of the Max Planck piece that essentially discusses the formation of collagen, the mineral salts, etc.

I'm getting to this late, and Sunday is a road day. but thinking, when we look in wonder at our horse's radiating cannon post race, that possibly we'll know a little more than to think we merely have micro damage.

Fri. 12/4. fairly worthless pasture romp in bad weather. But we got something in.
Sat. 12/5 Last speed work now 4 days ago. It's above freezing today, and so near dark horses put in paddock for riderless speed work and Art limps in. Lost front left shoe. Unbelievable. Rod is driven at speed intermittently for 10 min. 2f spurts. He's into it, and its a nice work. On the downside, the formerly calm Rod now Mr. Spook. Panicked 3 times at the feed tub in today's wind. Nob declines to get on. We'll run Art in the morning before the trip.


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