Monday, September 20, 2010

Defining Frequency

Two possibilities:
1. What is minimal speed work frequency necessary for fracture resistance (FR)?
2. What is optimal speed work frequency necessary for fracture resistance(FR)?
We can look at this in terms of the whole bone, or examine each process and calculate how long that process will last before it is undone by inactivity.
The list of processes again. I have inserted number of days of the "effect":
(3-8 days)bone glue protein-- increases in volume and buttressing effect.
(3-8 days)density increases due to contraction of atomic structures in the mineral lattice.
(4-6 days)fibrils(and osteons) move or align into ideal directions.
(4-6 days) fibrils adherence increases density and calcification
(More the better)On going calcification (as a constant)
Anything else that may be happening
For this post I have listed the "days" to my best memory. In past posts on those subjects the number of "days" was considered but never considered in depth. Next few days my intent is to reconsider those posts that assigned days--consider whether additional thought is required given subsequent posts--and then arrive at some final conclusions. The above numbers may change. And hopefully there'll be some info on frequency calculations shortly.
Each time we begin a new sunny day all seems well with the world and the deluge of rain in this area is temporarily forgotten.
Reality then comes in the form of muddy paddocks that are under water, and 9 days of rain out of the 20 so far in September. For us, the few dry weeks between 7/27 and 9/3 are history, and the horses due to weather are quickly losing everything that was accomplished. Depressing for a horse trainer. My thoughts last month with the dry weeks were to try to enter Rodney's 5 year old year from here in KC, perhaps
racing at Tulsa and then Lincoln.

Now we're right back into every other day rain, and it's other than in small amounts. 2 inches fell Sat. when the photos were taken, and the farm has had probably 4 rains of an inch or more for Sept. so far.
I'm again seriously considering a move, possibly to St. Louis.
Fri 9/17: After a week of water were we walked under tack a couple of days, on this day the horses did riderless play in the mud--probably 7 x 2f at there own speed, which was snappy.
Sat: 9/18: Raining hard as I get to the farm. Off.
Sat.9/19: Off after a 2 inch rain.


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