Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sun. Misc.

-- blurry video of farm living quarters from "5 pixel" Android phone. The blue house is vacant since Dick Zind moved out.
A little late to this today after training, and too weary(lazy) to get back to injury prevention. Why? They continue to investigate the brain:
Particularly explanatory for my hit and miss blog. Same site that posted, earlier, brain swarm theory--i.e. our brains flit back and forth on subjects much like bird flock flits about in the sky--they are led by whoever initiates the flight, and so our brains are led by whatever thought pops into them as sort of a relic of our primitive past. As brain ages process becomes more chaotic, possibly.
Of note today-- I stumbled onto possible explanation for Quality Road BC Classic performance: photographic evidence, Post that tomorrow and then on to QR and fracture resistance.
Thurs. 11/11: Riderless 2 x 6f near all out + 2 miles continuous, 1 mile :14s-:15, second in :17s.
Fri. 11/12: Rain. Off.
Sat.11/13 Off. Mud.
Sun. 11/14: Wet--to avoid divets everywhere including the riderless paddock we conduct pasture romp. Rod was into it, an impressive display of straight line speed and we see again why we keep at it with him. start speed work gallops tomorrow!


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