Sunday, February 13, 2011

More On Q of Speed

My belief is that regardless how far or how often our horse breezes, for injury prevention we MUST achieve a certain minimum speed or otherwise we have a horse at risk. I think we can make that judgment and will dissect it next post.

The above is from my 2/12/08 post. When u start quoting yourself you're in trouble. Nevertheless, the above is important, highly relevant, and there's some logic to back it up. Is there in fact, as I have asserted, a minimum speed the horse must achieve to get an FR effect in it's workouts?
Back in 2008 I analyzed it from several points of view, including this, which speculates how many concussive lbs/sq. inch might be working at various levels of speed.
:11s and 10s: ??? possibly back to about 9600 lbs/sq. inch
And as the horse speeds up there's the transition in stride style. Watch 'em--flicking, bounding, pounding, and then when the horse hit's :11s and high :10s quite possibly the lbs/sq. inch goes back down to 9600 lbs/sq. inch for the reason that it's bounding along so fast the actual time that hoof to ground contract lasts is reduced say e.g. from .25 sec to .15 sec. There's less time as the hoof strikes for the concussion to work at these dramatically faster speeds!
At what point does full bounding and max concussive effect set in? I have determined this at :12.5 rate of speed, i.e. the point at which there is adequate force for appropriate remodeling, e.g. do you want to per the likes of Neil Drysdale, prepare your horse for 9600 lbs/sq. inch and then enter the race at 12,000 lbs. per sq. inch of force? Drysdale wins one occassionally. Which of Drysdale's horses have ever lasted for any length of time?
A summary of these thoughts appeared here:
Sun. 2/13 Will post a picture of the knee, blown up again today. Undoubtedly they were running in the nice weather than started yesterday. Will do 10 min. of walk under tack this eve.


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