Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tues. Misc.

Mind on other things today. More mental aspects of training next post.

Mon. 1.5 days off transitioning to morning training for cooler weather.
Tues.: Riderless about 10 min. Rodney now has the older horse spooked to the point he refuses to pass and only runs up the other horse's rear or peels out in the opposite direction on urging. Still, got in several decent race like speed bursts. Enough for now I'm try to solve equipment problems to get this horse to the race track. My injury-- day to day. non-kicked leg has two tweaked ligaments including the one attached to the hip. Would get back on the horse were it just pain, but risk of permanent injury, and so declined to get on so far. The sort of thing that were ideally leg would be immobilized a coupled of weeks.


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