Sunday, January 22, 2012

RR Stable As It Is

One week here post to post. Watching politics this week instead of horses. Republicans once again --ritual suicide mode-- SC voting for the ethically challenged hypocrite. Is it conceivable Republicans would put up for president a disgraced/resigned Speaker of the House, Mr. Snapping Turtle, who is without the slightest prayer of becoming president? Wing nut/hate radio crowd. Big problem for the country imho.

On the horse front changes in RR land. Rollin' Rodney retired, and more. I had my Rollin's Rodney retirement post all figured out and then forgot it. Reasons/specific impetus at particular point in time, etc. The only exception was going to be if everything broke perfectly for the February Tulsa meet, something that is becoming more improbable--in terms of good breaks--by the day.

And, ooops, suddenly I recall the specific moment about mid-November that precipitated the final decision. I was ready to begin serious breezing at a race track. I called down to Eureka--are they still open for training, I asked? Nope, came the reply. They closed down sometime in the last year. Why? People paying to keep it open unable to afford the liability insurance any longer.

And so, it loomed for us. Big shock that Eureka finally closed. The little track so fairly close to us that had always been there. And that the closest track for prepatory breeze work with our problematic one horse was 350 miles away in St. Louis or OK City this time of year (Iowa is 210 miles from the farm/Lincoln 175.)

These thoughts were the catalysts that prompted the retirement. Interesting sequence of events, now coming back to me that I'll post on next.


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