Friday, October 19, 2012

More Challenges

Riding:  I'm reminded of the first part of the movie Phar Lap where the rider is taking the horse up steep sand dunes with the statement to the rider's wife and kids "he's got to learn to ride even if it kills "me".  So it is with race horses.  The most important part of training them is the riding with the risks inherent.  My riding policy has been and will be "without risk" i.e. avoid adding anything to the risk.

I do this in "step at a time" mode.  Overcome today's stuff and then go on with it tomorrow. 

We have currently youngsters in an open pasture environment that will possibly (is it possible without risk) be asked to gallop without company with deer flitting about. 

That's the environmental risk. There are also a few personal things to factor into the equation at my tender age.  Legs are other than they used to be.  Despite my best efforts to rehab my inner high tendons that were massacred riding fat Rodney, last ride Nov. 2011, my legs constantly hurt some particularly in certain weather conditions. Due to these legs of mine, I am considerably less nimble in my legs since my last extensive fast riding in 2007.

So, the Q, are my legs in good enough shape to do this, and, is the riding-athletic skill still there.  Decided possibly the better part of valor requires a test ride on 17 year old Groovin' Wind.  I've been on Wind, shod him, and working on getting him into some fast galloping just to test my own safety.

The yearling have been bellied successfully.  Ready to get on.  The equipment is here. They're being reeducated after the shoeing time off, and hopefully on by early next week.

Training:  1/18/12--second official day of fully training-- horses were run riderless in high wind.  A few fast spurts.  Passed on riding due to the weather.


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