Tuesday, November 06, 2012


"The world is ruled today by bewildering wrong counsel urging bewildered wrong action."
        --Goethe letter to Wilhelm von Humboldt March 17, 1832 five   days before his death at age 83

Is there a more compelling result of the Internet age than full comprehension of the above statement?  On the message boards we learn how people think, how they make decisions, and it's other than a pretty. I shudder to think about these many idiots stepping into the voting booth exercising their prejudices engendered by their utter lack of knowledge, logic, and common sense.  Add to this the exploding 90 IQ population, and, universal suffrage should be looked at, possibly?

Nevertheless, a clear choice today.  On the one side the white fellow who seems a doer instead of a thinker, who tends to talk in negative expressions--something one would think a 65 yr. old would have learned to avoid--and who either for reasons of necessity or complete inexplicability has embraced many of the irrational ideas of the hate radio crowd and the right wing of the GOP.

Obama to me is the typical black "intellectual", if that phrase is permitted.  About a 120 IQ from his expressions, lazy, mind all over the place, inconsistent--I'd question that the man could tell u what his core principles are, and while he parrots a few attractive policy positions what Obama really has done--and almost all that he's done is use the government to shovel money to his people.  I doubt the average citizen has a clue at the unprecedented wealth transfer to minorities that has occurred in the last 4 yrs.  Just this week in my office--black lady, $60,000/yr. income for the fire dept., gets letter from her second mortgage, Bank of America,--ur $26,000 second mortgage has been forgiven under a government program.

There's the immigration thing with Obama, of course, and gov. birthing policies that are exploding the minority populations.  Hardly a crime for a black president, if u happen to be black.  If u're white, it's time to wake up, possibly.

To me the analysis is fairly simple:

Romney = very competent
Obama = very incompetent

Do the voters see this?  The polls show that 100% of minorities will vote for Obama, and that includes Herman Cain.  73-75% of white folks by the polls vote Romney.  Most Caucasians have figured things out by now.  The remaining 25% I suspect will fairly soon.

How will it turn out?  From what I can see, Obama leads Ohio and Pennsylvania.  That seems fatal for Romney's campaign.  Romney started way too late with the positive "I'm a good guy" message.  Good his handlers finally figured this out, except it took almost to the last week of the campaign. My own crystal ball says the U.S. Census way under counts black Americans and that it is the true numbers of minorities that likely will tip a close election.


Anonymous Bill said...

Sadly, how prophetic.

11/7/12, 7:54 AM  

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