Thursday, June 12, 2014

Plan B And Mr. Nob's Latest Injury

The question of how long our good rider Mr. Nob's balky left hip would hold out took a set back three days ago when #17 took one of his patented 180s and then for good measure did another so the horse could turn around and see what he'd spooked at.  While Nob handled this maneuver with somewhat surprising skill the torque on the hip left Nob barely able to walk two hours later.

Unable to ride due to rain on Tues, and so Nob got back on #17 last night thinking the injury had healed enough to give it a try.  Had to abort due to pain.  Will report on this further.  We're thinking part of this might be weather related.

Two weeks ago I went to Oklahoma to check out Harmony Training Center and was ready to ship out there until they demanded a $1000 deposit.  This hatched Plan B which was to build a little track right here on our acreage in Mo.  Naturally, just as we're ready to get started it has yet to stop raining.  9 of the 12 days of June so far, and several inches.

Since 2/3 of our ground is basically on a mud flat left by a road crew it has been a tough go in terms of tack work, although the horses have kept right on with their riderless speed work.  They've been so energetic that over the weekend they worked 3 out of 4 days.  And, we've been able to ride until Nob's injury on the 1/3 pasture portion of the course, and making good progress.

We'll see how Nob does this eve, although it rained severely again over night.  Trip to Prairie Meadows planned to determine the possibility of shipping there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ratherrrapid, Please send me an e-mail address, I have something to send you which may interest/amuse.

Regards, Bill O'G

6/13/14, 9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not very internetsky! Please send to

6/13/14, 9:26 AM  

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