Monday, July 09, 2007

Uneventful Trip

Well, sort of. Always some excitement. This time was trying to snap a photo of Aylward--horse-- in the trailer. Ooops! Out he jumps. Luckily Steve Jones, trainer, was absent and missed the hoopla in his shedrow. Snorting, rearing, dust everywhere, hoofs flying. It lasted all of two minutes before we corralled big Al who was pranced back to his stall. Left KC at 4:15 p.m. and returned at 2:00 a.m. Eight hours on the road; two hours at Eureka, 10 min. on the track.. Nice conversation with trainer Zack Ashlock and his wife back from Anthony Downs 125 mi. west of Eureka. They're interested in standing Aylward at their farm in Hamilton, KS., where they have about 10 head.

My two 12 yr. olds worked well. Very cuppy track, but horses surprised with their racing fitness. We'll work through July and see where we are 8/1. Photos follow.


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