Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Relevance Of: How Often Can We Go?

A chuckle or two and much congrats to Tin Cup Chalice by Crusader Sword taking the Indiana Derby, a horse by Lido Palace (stud fee $5000.00) the Champagne, and the New Mexico bred wins 17 straight. There is hope!

I trust we can agree that our old timey trainers, Preston Burch, Max Hirsch, et. al., pushed their horses to the limit, and that breezing/racing 10 times a month is the max in answering "how often CAN we go". These trainers also established that the horse can breeze/race three days post breeze/race provided we observe--as per prior posts--the limits of monthly bone cell destruction which we may limit by controlling the variables of speed, distance, frequency, rider weight, track surface, etc.

We want, of course, to make the likes of Tin Cup Chalice competitive with the horses of the Sheiks, Wine Merchants and Wall Street Tycoons and their more modest equivalents at our local tracks. Assuming thus that we'd have to do more with our horse than the Dutrows, Asmussen, Eion Harty, or Dick Clarks (Iowa) of the world, the relevance of establishing an upper SAFE limit to our program is that this gives us the flexibility and knowledge to piece together an ideal program.

I'll next look at the minimum we must do. Interesting video below shows more slow motion galloping. Watch closely the forces at work on the lower leg structures. Also, a little "same old, same old", Larry Bramalage and friends requesting research in 1993.

Thurs. 10/2: Art: off. Rod 1 mile trot + 2 miles riderless slow gallop.
Fri. 10/3: Art 1.6 miles in :18s. Rod trots 1.25 miles, and riderless 2 miles medium with spurts.
Sat. 10/4: Art: galloped 1.6 miles :18s with some :17s. Rod: trotted 1.25 miles with a few steps of gallop + 2 miles riderless fast work with some stops. Nice work by Rod who is growing up.


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