Saturday, January 24, 2009


We're trying to get our horses to a track and this week some interesting transport issues.

But, what's this.: The new RR 2008 Ford F350 Super Duty with Ford's gasoline engine, 6.8L 3 valve Triton V10 in our KCMO office parking lot. I seem to be the only one working on Saturday. (left click on photo for better view.)

$24,000 laying around last April that might have been spent on a horse and I spent it on this truck, and am now, for the record, flat broke. The Ford Internet Build was $25,500, and then, boom, the salesman gives a $2500 rebate, making purchase $23,000.00. Paying sales tax total cost was $25,000. Ford's profit on this sale unknown, but probably interesting. Same truck 2009 costs $30,000+, before rebates.

So, we're ready to select one of these from the surprisingly few models available.

This one from the Cody Hitch website looks sturdy.

A few years back I'd nearly lost my trailer driving out of State Fair Park in Lincoln with 3 horses. The trailer as we were driving began swaying and the gooseneck ball was lose. Careful driving at about 5 mph got us luckily back to Linoln. The ball, on inspection, was screwed into the connection instead of welded in and the threads were breaking.

Back at Lincoln racetrack I asked some old timers if they'd ever heard anything like this. There were at least 3 or 4 stories remembered about gooseneck balls coming off, trailers lost and horses injured.

I'll order the Cody lock down hitch but probably get it welded in there as that Lincoln experience has stayed with me making the trailer hitch is a concern as we motor with our horses.

Doug O'Neill is now added to the 1/23/09 Continuing post.

Sat. 1/24: Off after yesterday's speed work. It's cold!


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