Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Do Trainer Stats Tell Us?

Horses, at left in 11 degree weather without the foot of snow we had a year ago. The insurance after a long dispute finally replaced the SCH-u900 Samsung 3.2 megapixel camera phone lost in the pasture somewhere and then found. and inoperable. Failed to report my loss within 30 days as the fine print requires since I thought the phone would turn up somewhere. And so, after much haggling, they caved. Lol. Now if I can figure how to post the video we'll have some training clips on here soon.

Then, another great post at Not To The Swift, as John observes that it seems it would be nice were everyone in horse racing Jesus Christ. Maybe the blogs go too far in finding fault with almost everyone. Unless, as I consider, you have a horse go down, in which case you become eligible for awards.

But, I digress. Time to summarize my trainer stats. Looking at these websites I tried to ferret the following info:
1. How does the trainer train in terms of breeze/race/frequency?
2. What percentage of the trainer's horses suffer injuries during the year?

Such info would provide additional evidence for the present blog focus of determining frequency of fast works required to develop race appropriate fracture resistance. Time to summarize, collate and conclude.

Bill, txs for your comment last post. You're ahead of me on this. I'll come back to the question you posed, which is interesting.
Since before the election I've taken hopefully large enough horse samples from the following:

Bruce Johnson
Reade Baker
Kiaran McGlaughlin
Mark Hennig
Catherine Day Phillips
Gary Contessa
Mark Case
Bong Stables
Joan Scott
Linda Rice
Todd Pletcher
Doug O'Neil
Next post, a training summary for this group of breeze/race frequency per month and injury/year percentages for each. Then, hopefully some conclusions.

Thurs. 1/15 Temps around 11 degrees or 20 degrees hotter than Indy tonight. When you get out in it, it's less bad than you expect. We could have thrown Nob on today, but I was mentally into a day off getting there, due to the cold, and we did. Looks like great January training weather coming. So, 3 days off here, and Friday back at it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I seem to notice Bobby Frankel training his quite a bit more aggressively.

Also, it seems West Coast guys dabble in more 6F+ works than the East Coasters.

One of my clients has breezed 6 times and raced 7 times in the last 15 weeks with a 5 y.o. gelding. Hell, he's RACED 10 days apart more than once.

During this time his Beyer has went from 59 to 88. While he once was losing to $5k claimers, he now wins at the $16k level.

Of course, the flip side is this other one - poor race placings, poor training efforts. He gets 6 weeks of nothing but walking in a mechanical walker, then goes out and wins by 5 lengths.

So, one generalization is: unsound ones are best rested and you takes your chances, while others are best worked - it depends on the individual circumstance.

1/16/09, 11:39 AM  

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