Saturday, April 21, 2012


 VITUPERATE:  be harshly critical.  Attack someone verbally. Berate, revile, belabor.
In things never stay the same category blogger has a whole new format that (brilliantly) fails to allow positioning of photos.  And so, my little graveyard scene is in the center of the screen instead of at left, symbolic for the Derby prospects of Take Charge Indy.  How would you like to have a Derby horse, and ,4 weeks before the Derby your (brilliant) trainer announces to the world that the horse is fit and ready to go, see below link:

In my 30 yrs of horse racing I have seen these words:  "he's fit and ready to go" Derby after Derby and so there's a little historical precedence to the fact that once that pronouncement is made the horse in question is without any chance and moreover will finish up the track.  You may read the link as to the plans for Take Charge Indy.  Despite the advantage of Calvin Borel, I will be amazed if the horse is able to overcome this sort of nonsense.  Why would be obvious to anyone that knows something about exercise physiology or someone that themselves engages in regular exercise.  Without writing a book about this sort of utter obliviousness about training horses, let's leave it that this is such a huge misconception--that the horse is fit and ready to go 4 weeks before the Derby--that it's hardly worth commenting on on so many multiple levels.


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