Sunday, March 25, 2012

Horse Plans #2 And Other Things

Despite my reservations I'd bid on the yearling last post, indeed, hoping she might go for $1500-$3000.00. Pollard's Vision. Hey, it's possible. Was it Turfway Park Spiral yest. won by a yearling sale grad $15,000.00? Unknown where all those million dollar babies are. You'd think if one spent a million bucks they'd use enough sense to train the horse appropriately. Obviously from mounting evidence over the years it's otherwise.

In the RR stable universe we are currently without horses and without money but with thoughts to get back to the race track and some amorphous plans to get it done. There's presumably a sizable settlement coming in the hear future. As luck would have it they just moved the trial date to 2013 and so I fear any settlement would come after the fall yearling sales. Possibly I could scrape up $1500-2000 by then. Unknown if that will still buy a decent horse in this market.

The other part of the plan, as noted previously, would be to move the new horse directly to a training facility-race track with my personal presence. And we note, whoa there, if that is to be done there must also be a source of income until the horse starts racing. Big stuff that's interesting to consider and far more difficult to accomplish in real time.

Would I rather have a million bucks in the bank and just buy my way back? Really I doubt it. I've never been into buying success in athletics. Seems more interesting and entertaining to me to do it brick by brick as one can. I do have a sister with 3 million bucks in the bank due to a fortuitous marriage that potentially I could tap for some cash. Personally I prefer to go it alone and by myself. Individual preference.

As to whether I can bring the plans to reality--will see. For sure it will require an extraordinary amount of energy. It's a hobby however. Is there anything more enjoyable in this world than selecting a yearling through a careful selective process, considering how to develop that yearling into a race horse and where to do that, and thereafter giving it a go at the twin requirements of injury prevention and performance enhancement? I look at all these people buzzing about planning their parties and their outings and vacations, going to concerts and high society events. None of that is as interesting and engaging as developing a new race horse, although for most it requires a fairly dramatic reset of one's goals and daily life.


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