Monday, December 03, 2012

It Begins...

 A little arm twisting and plenty of cash in the pocket resulted today in a win-win deal between farmer, Mrs. Farmer  and my little stable.  The youngsters were moved onto the hayfield with grand babysitter 17 year old Groovin' Wind, and I gave Mr. and Mrs. Farmer a $2500.00 check.  Cost (all 4 horses--Rodney will stay with the herd)--is $800/mo. Dec. 1 to March 31.  
This was other than a negotiation.  Given the much much larger cost of moving the horses immediately to Celestial Acres in Oklahoma--$200 round trip back and forth for gasoline--I decided to offer so much cash they'd be unable to refuse--$800/mo. for the 4 horses--and indeed up to the final moment I had heart palpitations that Mr. Farmer would come up with some reason to deny.  
As it turns out, they needed the money, and a deal was struck.  Nice people.
And so, we are now, for the first time in my memory, without excuse for lack of an adequate training facility in KCMO. There is nice open ground for speed work we never had at the old place where 2.5f was the maximum distance for speed.  I'll post vids soon with my new super duper $56/00 cam corder of the hay field.  The one reservation will be galloping early two year olds by themselves out in space like that--hopefully a problem that will solve itself.
We're ecstatic.  Place to train right here in town at probably 1/3 the price of being at the race track.  Till March when we'll need the race track.
Horses did a little short spurt riderless in the new digs tonight. Passed on riding.  Safety--finally decided on this helmet as very safest available. Notice the Snell certification and the vids.


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