Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who Will Win The BC Classic?

I'm looking at Doug O'Neil's stats in detail and "for the year" for the 28 selected horses. I'll post the interesting results when finished.

Meanwhile, is there a nicer striding horse than Colonel John? All else being equal, may we perhaps separate young horses by the length and height of the reach of their fronts at speed. You will see the difference by comparing the two on this video.

I've long thought CJ the best horse of this year (besides what Big Brown was before the weight gain) in terms of appearance, conformation, athleticism and stride. Makes me want to rush my Raise A Native line mare and my $30,000 bank account straight to Tiznow, or, should I go with Distorted Humor for $300,000 down the shedrow? hmmm....duhhh...

So the question whether CJ can compete with hard knocking older horses off of one(edit: two) race since early May? May we frame the same question as to whether it's possible for CJ stay comfortable in that stride while quickening it beyond what's he's been trained for 6 straight months? My opinion of the trainer appeared 4/29 as follows:

"Flapping tongues, and trainer of the Derby favorite whose hobby is bass fishing. I'm neutral but conflicted about hunting/fishing but, does anyone find something incongruous about an animal trainer--Eion Harty--that enjoys killing fish in his spare time? Forget the Nafzger like job with Colonel John, after the Derby I'm inviting Harty to my place in hope of teaching him how to apply a tongue tie." (Edit 10/22--looks as if they've figured out the tongue.)

and about CJ, here:

Maybe we'll see on 10/25 the correct gaging of the CJ connections.

Sat. Fast riderless in the mud.
Sun. & Mon. Off.
Tues. Oct 21: Mixture of calamity and the sort of stuff that makes your day. Planned tack work/riderless speed combo w/o started changing in my head as rain drops appeared driving to the farm. Pelting rain as I drove down the driveway. By the time horses transferred from pasture to paddock rain let up a bit, but Art lost a front shoe that had been miraculous held on by 2 nails on one side for two weeks almost immediately. Art removed, and then Rod (riderless) is flashing adult type speed. First time I've seen that, and for this little powerful chunk of a horse this is the sort of thing that keeps you going. Rod over about 10 min: 6x2f as fast as he could go in the light mud. Art: put the shoe back on, it was raining the whole time and muddy by the time he got back out there--about 6 min steady riderless as fast as the conditions allowed. Decent instead of great w/o for Art.


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