Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Body builder Ronnie Coleman serves to provide an intro to the process of tissue remodelling in response to physiological stress. Take a look at the frame and consider the potential. And what happens and fails to happen when your trainer does or declines to take your horse to the gym.

I bought Coleman's book "Hardcore" thinking I might learn something about training from an 8 time Mr. Olympia. That's a younger Coleman on the cover.

and, yes, that's Coleman at the squat rack as the only man ever to survive a 1000 lbs. squat. A video shows him doing two squats, and the metal bar is bent just as the photo shows.
Whatever can be said about the sissy, prissy sport of bodybuilding can we agree that the muscular development of humans the likes of Ronnie Coleman, who matured from a normal looking albeit stocky fellow who took up weight lifting in his early 20s to the freakish behemoth pictured above left when he finally lost the Mr. Olympia title to Jay Cutler in 2006 at age 42, provides a labratory in real life of what happens in response to exercise over time. Body builders carry or attempt to carry remodelling to the limit, but (possibly) we need to understand exactly what goes on here before continuing, next post.
Tues. 2/3: With great training weather blowing in, we're off on a very cold day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as an aside, I've found most everyone is a rank amateur compared with the folks at westside barbell in terms of training stimulous and performance improvement. Sure they focus on a narrow aspect of human performance, but I've felt there are lots of lessons buried around just waiting to be looked into by an inquiring mind...



2/4/09, 1:51 PM  
Blogger rather rapid said...

lots! mine is Testosterone Nation--lots of phds there posting the latest.

2/5/09, 10:00 PM  

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