Saturday, June 09, 2012

Belmont Post Time Approaches

Txs. for comments. As the race nears the image of Union Rags as the class horse in this field encroaches.

Superior horse, likely inferior training.  Or, maybe Matz up there at Fair Hill had a sudden O'Neill like epiphany training for the Belmont.  Certainly UR has lost some weight by his on track photos. The horse gives the appearance of looking spectacular.

That's the handicapping challenge.  The stars so rarely align, and so we're left with taking a stand.  Mine has to be that Dullahan is the better prepared horse and will have more in the stretch run.

Also caught a photo of Paynter looking like much more horse than I had thought.

So, where do we put the cash?  I despise losing money much more than winning since when u start losing on consecutive days, losses stack on losses to the point ur wallet is unable to recover.

Hence I like to hedge with the aim of breaking even as a worst case scenario.  The easy logical feature bet here is a Dullahan (D) + Union Rags (U) + Paynter (P) trifecta box as large as is affordable.  However, two 17 hand horses.  Are they too big and heavy for this distance and surface?  My confidence in them is high instead of sure, and so, spread my cash around, even though being a little rusty, as follows:

$4.00 on D to win

$10 on D to show

Exactas: Bet $6.00

$4.00 D + R boxed

$2.00 D + P

Trifecta: Bet $26.00

$16.00  D + R + P

$2 D+P+R

$2 R + D + P

$2 R + P + D

$2 P+ D + R

$2 P+ R + D


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