Thursday, November 26, 2015


Very little progress for Tee Pee since the nice breeze on 11/9.  The rest have been slow and a couple of days ago trouble--see below.

11/21 3f in 40.
11/22 Off
11/23 1.5 mile gallop a little faster than the slow gallops we've done on off days.  A likely cause of
problem below--this was too fast for the stage of preparation. I was without my stop watch.
Slight heat shows in lower part of front left cannon after this gallop--first heat Tee Pee has shown since he started on 9/1/15.
11/24  1.5 mile slow gallop and told jock to let him roll down the lane at the end on the RIGHT lead..  Went pretty fast for about 1f on this day when we'd normally breeze but declined due to cannon bone heat.
After this gallop there was slightly more heat over the whole left cannon bone. Decided on two days off.
11/25 Off.  Lesser heat.
11/26 Off though he ran a little riderless in his paddock on his own. Heat gone. Will see if substitute jock will get on horse tomorrow in horrid weather.

Generalized cannon bone heat (heat over whole cannon instead of localized in specific small area, which is trouble)--there's 24 hr. heat/48 hr. heat and more than 48 hrs. When post race or post work cannon bone heat lasts more than 48 hrs there's potential problem in my experience.  Since Tee Pee's heat after the second gallop lasted but 24 hrs. am guessing we merely have some serious cannon bone remodeling happening at the moment. This is good, and bad. Bad because we'll have to back off a bit for a few more days.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Fri. Misc.

Our latest
11/16    off
11/17   1.5 mile 25 sec/f gallop
11/18   3f in 40+ on floated track--see vid above
11/19   Off
11/20   1.5 mile 25 sec/f gallop
11/21    3f breeze is scheduled in 35 degree weather--think we'll do one more slow before going back to :12 sec/f. Horse only started :12 sec/f work five weeks ago.  Feeling need to be careful with excessive speed carrying 140 lbs at this point. (Edit: went 3f in :40).

Target race date at Delta Downs is Jan 15.  I give it a 50-50 chance of happening.  $38,000 5f maiden La Bred purses at Delta. Conceivable the 17'2" dude might be competitive.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Training Update--Tee Pee Minister

Nov 9 29 sec for 2.5 f--11.6.f--rider instructed :12/f
Nov. 10 off
Nov. 11 Easy 1.5 mile gallop 24.5 sec/f
Nov. 12 39:75
Nov. 13 Off
Nov. 14 1.5 miles in 24.5 sec/f
Nov. 15 :23 :36.1 Rider told to get :37.5.

Will post today's vid when internet connection improves.

Monday, November 09, 2015


Txs. to Bill Pressey for Comment last post.  At some point, possibly, Bill will disclose the training that got Run Happy first to the finish line in the BC Sprint.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, which these days is Harmony Training Center, Inola, Ok, home of the nearby Pryor, OK tornado, the news is good and bad:

Bad--Duke of M is reported to be "off" by the riders in his track work.  This is my experience with shoulder injuries--one prior--that they're chronic.  Next step is to confirm riders opinions in riderless work, as I'm failing to see it.  Was carrying 90 Lbs rider today.

Tee Pee Minister's late work:
11/5 2.5 F averaging :12.5/f--slowed at end of a :12s work
11/6 Off
11/7--Go with the horse (fast as horse wants) type gallop three times around 5f track with short trot-walk between each heat due to sticky track from rain. Speed varied between :16s and :20s
11/8 Sunday--off, track closed.
11/9 2.5 F average speed 11.6/f (rider instructed to do 12s.)

No "slowing at end" today.
Here it is

Friday, November 06, 2015


Instead of a comment on Runhappy's post race owner/trainer conflagration, may I direct any reader to my post of 9/24/15 where Bill Pressy left an in retrospect precient comment about the horse.  Trying to contact Pressy as to inside info on the horse's training.

Meanwhile, we're still at it.  Preston Burch style training.  Duke of M is back now from shoulder injury two weeks though we're watching him carefully still.  Tee Pee Minister work of 11/5 below--3f in 37.5.   Tee Pee has been going fast once every three days in this style

1.5 mile gallop--slow
:12 sec./f breeze although at times we go in :14s and :13s for a little longer distance.  Distances have been progressively longer.

The vid shows even better if one stops the action as T.P. heads down the track.  The jock was instructed to do 2.5f in :13s: