More MTB

RR: (brand new owner in search of the worst looking trainer on the grounds, and, spotting him): "Excuse me, are you a trainer."
GT: Yes Sirrrrr... I'm Griz Trittle
RR: I've got some horses for you to train.
GT (in shock): Weeelll...sure, whatcha got.
RR: Got three of 'em. Do you have stalls.
GT: (sensing a wet behind the ears owner): I've got a full shedrow(of quarter horses), but, whatcha got.
RR: Got three of 'em. You'd like 'em.
GT: What are they.
RR: TBs. I'll pay you $xxxx.00 per month if you'll train 'em.
GT: (eyes visibly bulging): Weellll....maybe a couple of mine could move off track?
RR: One more thing Mr. Trittle. I'll pay you that amount of $$$ on a condition.
GT: Condition?
RR: I have my own groom who'll take care of 'em, and you promise never to touch 'em except to saddle...
Omit the rest. Griz Trittle accepted the"offer" and RR stable with stealth employee-groom in business at PM.
The relevance to MTB? What are the odds that this vet, or any vet, places his $400,000 Canadian Champion two year old with a quarter horse trainer with a record of 1-32 for the year in typical hands off fashion with the trainer calling the shots? In contrast, might there be a variation of the RR-Griz Trittle model as outlined above, where Vet finds down on his luck quarter horser willing to follow instructions for $$$? Vet directs care and training and (important) diagnostics to extent of inserting in the shed row his own fresh off the ranch of partner Mark Allen rider/groom in the person of Charlie Figueroa.
Whatever the real situation, encouraging that they had MTB on the track Tuesday. Rushing things, maybe, particularly the post Derby Sunday trot. But, early signs, they're continuing on with training possible with diagnostics and directions coming from the owners. Speculation, of course. We'll see how it develops.
A comparison of Derby training--2007 to 2009, next post.
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