Lack Of Stabling In California
WTF now.
Some possibilities include that nice world class training facility in Opeloussas a mere 732 miles away and, I believe, there's a private training facility in Louisville, which is only 500 miles. We might also return to Lextington, KY which for us would turn the clock back to 1998 to the KY Horse Center or at Keenland.
The other possiblity--and the one I am entertaining most seriously, is to attempt to secure a training license at Prairie Meadows which is 175 miles down the road, and shipping back and forth during off days. Planning a trip north to Des Moines June 5 or thereabouts after schedule clears to investigate things at PM.
Another way--and this has some appeal--the farmer will be cutting his hay surely by mid june which would open that nice nice hay field up for galloping, provided Mr. Farmer would permit this. Am thinking of greasing his palm sufficiently. With #17 galloping nicely now we would accomplish all that good work on that field that I'd been planning over the winter before the two foot deep snows struck for 1.5 months.
Here's the Copper Crowne facility in Opelousas:
Presently #17 is working on a little 4 acre slanted grass plot at about 30 degrees. We're maybe 10 days away from maxing out what can be done on that little plot. Unable to go fast due to the layout. And so, 10 days to think and figure since we really want to get moving with our stable.